remain grounded


A home that tells the treasured story of enduring generations has a way of saying “I’ve always been here,” in the warmest and most welcoming way...even when it's new.

Built on a specially selected country estate in the area where they both grew up, the couple who lives here resurrects the nostalgia of warm southern nights spent catching fireflies, now with their own little ones in tow. But it is in the thoughtful details, that this home speaks most eloquently, with a familiarity that is undeniably comforting…drawing your eyes back toward the land at every opening, and leading your paths ever closer to one another

…the thoughtful details, that this home speaks most eloquently, with a familiarity that is undeniably comforting…

This home is compelling in its soothing dichotomy – the way in which it leads you both outward, and inward. As you descend the central staircase each morning, and as you saunter toward the dining room for evening meal time, your eye is ever turned toward the land. Everywhere, in fact, the home is encouraging you to connect with the rolling hills and woods beyond. But as you travel through the home, your path is drawn ever inward, toward one another, and nudging you toward intersecting experiences. And one day, when you find yourself grounded in the moment and wrapped in conversation, the home quietly reveals one of it’s many hidden treasures – the recessed cabinet pull is, you recall, the very same pattern you ambled over in the auto court.

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